Easy to Deploy,
Easy to Operate,
Easy to Upgrade.
Powerful, feature-rich solutions that analyze a utility’s operational data.
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SmartWorks Compass is a versatile utility data intelligence and decision management solution designed to empower utilities in maximizing their return on investment in smart infrastructure.

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Available as part of SmartWorks Compass, MeterSense is a scalable and configurable meter data management (MDM) module tackles big data challenges & leverages the data to improve your processes.

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Powered by a patented AI-enabled Data Warehouse, Instant Insight delivers swift, actionable insights in response to user questions for informed decision-making and enhanced customer service.

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SmartWorks Connect revolutionizes utility-customer interactions with its innovative online web portal solution, offering tailored experiences for both Commercial & Industrial (C&I) users and residential customers.

Designed to Make the Complex Simple
The SmartWorks portfolio includes SmartWorks Compass, MeterSense, Instant Insight and SmartWorks Connect.
SmartWorks’ data-focused solutions are simple to deploy, easy to operate and painless to upgrade.
These solutions streamline the vast variety of utility processes in a range of environments through configuration of standard solutions. The result is a cost-effective way to maximize the quantifiable return on the utility’s investment in smart infrastructure.
Utility Data Intelligence
SmartWorks Compass is a utility decision management solution that enables utilities to maximize their return on investment in their smart infrastructure.
The platform intelligently interprets the smart meter data collected in the meter data management (MDM) system including; interval readings, register readings, meter-related problems, outage information, data quality information, and more.
This data is heavily analyzed by the SmartWorks Compass framework to ensure accuracy, calculate statistics and isolate any potential issues.
Designed for automation, the SmartWorks Compass suite includes the scalable and configurable meter data management module, MeterSense along with a series of decision management modules that combine integration and workflow with deep analytics to automate utility processes.
It also works seamlessly with third party MDM system providers to transform meter data into personalized, relevant and timely insights that utilities need to deliver safe, reliable service in the most cost-effective way.
MeterSense Video
Meter Data Management System
MeterSense (MDM)
MeterSense takes the complexity out of managing AMI data, using that data in your business processes and analyzing it to streamline utility operations.
Beyond meter-to-cash

Analytics: Beyond

Utilities considering an MDM system must look beyond a basic meter-to-cash functionality solution in order to unlock the full value of their AMI network.

The flexible SmartWorks Compass platform is designed to meet the immediate and future needs of the utility by empowering them to add additional functionality during the implementation process or activate analytic modules at a later date that is more convenient.

All Modules #1

There's a Module for That:

Extending SmartWorks Compass Capabilities

One of the appealing features of SmartWorks Compass is that the functionality can be extended with modules. You are not limited to the core modules that come with SmartWorks Compass. The list of available module solutions are always growing.

If you have a requirement for a module that is not shown, please contact us and we will be happy to discuss a solution for your particular use case.

MeterSense #2
The SmartWorks MeterSense module is a scalable and configurable meter data management (MDM) solution that efficiently manages and intelligently interprets critical smart meter data.
Takes the complexity out of managing your meter read data.
• Provides powerful data validation in an easily configured solution.
• Ensures quality and completeness of meter read data.
• Delivers accurate and timely billing determinants with the ability to consider complex rate structures.
KPI Dashboard #3
The SmartWorks Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Dashboard provides a snapshot view of utility performance within a single, configurable screen.
KPI Dashboard
View current performance, configure
notifications and share information with key
• Collects, analyzes and displays operational data from any accessible system, including the CIS, MDM, SCADA and OMS.
• Calculates key metrics on the data, tracks how those metrics change over time, and monitors the results against key thresholds.
• Provides powerful visualization tools, enabling utilities to view the detailed underlying data, explore the root cause of changes and view trends through a time lapse feature on a single, shareable screen.
Rate / Revenue Analysis #4
The SmartWorks Rate and Revenue Analysis solution permits the utility to quantify the financial impact of rate changes on customer cost and utility revenue.
Rate and Revenue Analysis
Understand the impact of rate structures on revenues and customers’ costs.
• Analyzes the effect of simple and complex rate changes in a highly configurable solution.
• Measure both short and long term financial effects of real or proposed rate changes using actual and forecasted consumption data.
• Allows the utility to make informed rate decisions that drive conservation and demand management while balancing revenue with customer satisfaction.
Targeted Messaging #5
The SmartWorks Targeted Messaging solution includes powerful analytics that segment your customers intelligently into groups based on detailed analysis of usage patterns.
Targeted Messaging
Helps you communicate the right message to the right customer at the right time.
• Maximize effectiveness of your programs
• Contain communication budgets
• Increase credibility with your customers
Move-In / Out Automation #6
The SmartWorks Automated Move-In / Move-Out solution simplifies the process of gathering a first or final read for new or departing accounts.
Move-In / Move-Out Automation
Streamlines the process of gathering final reads and start reads reliably.
• Remotely gathers required customer billing determinants per open CIS Service Order for timely billing processes.
• Automates routine tasks crossing multiple utility systems.
• Reduces manual effort in everyday processes, allowing CSRs to focus on providing high quality and efficient customer service.
AI Baseline & Forecast #7
Utilities can now use Artificial Intelligence to calculate usage baselines and predict future usage. The SmartWorks AI Baseline and Forecast solution gives the utility control of the AI algorithms without needing data science expertise.
AI Baseline and Forecast
Remarkable accuracy in usage prediction to make better decisions.
• Get the power of AI without data scientists on staff.
• Ongoing addition of data and re-training for continuous improvement.
• View short/medium term forecasts of actual baseline variances by month, day or hour.
Direct Load Control Verification #8
Assess load changes to determine whether there has been a significant drop in peak and/or average load, optionally accompanied by an expected drop in usage.
Load Control Verification
Reduce the need for field investigations.
• Understand exactly how well your load control programs are operating.
• Determine when devices are malfunctioning or being overridden.
• Dramatically reduce the need for field investigations.
Electric Vehicle Analytics #9
The SmartWorks EV Analysis solution uses residential load profiles to identify locations with EVs, analyze charging patterns and quantify the impacts on costs & reliability – now and into the future.
Electric Vehicle Analysis
Understand the impact of EV charging in your territory.
• Provides visibility into the current and future impact of EV charging.
• Streamlines the strategy and reduces the cost of customer communications.
• Lowers barriers for customers to adopt electric vehicles.
• Empowers the utility to keep reliability and costs down for all customers.
C&I Meter Reading #10
The SmartWorks Direct C&I Meter Reading solution provides the ability to collect data directly from C&I electric meters without the need for a complex meter data collection system.
Direct C&I Meter Reading
Improve how you collect and manage your utility’s most valuable data.
• Eliminate the need for an additional, complex C&I meter data collection system.
• Simplify and automate the validation processes for C&I meter reads.
• Reduce cost by eliminating the need for specialized personnel or outsourcing.
• Ease the integration of validated C&I meter data with billing and analysis tools.
• Combine C&I meter data with residential data to enable easy big picture analysis.
Automated Disconnect / Reconnect #11
The SmartWorks Automated Disconnect Reconnect solution integrates across utility solutions to simplify the meter service status change process from start to finish.
Automated Disconnect / Reconnect
Perform remote connect and disconnect operations without the intervention of utility personnel.
• Remotely executes a service disconnect or reconnect per open CIS Service Order according to a defined utility scheduled, with no manual intervention required.
• Considers pertinent factors such as weather, safety or throttling requirements.
• Integrates AMI capabilities within the utility’s business processes, helping the utility realize a return on investment in their smart metering capabilities.
Outage Performance #12
The SmartWorks Outage Performance solution takes the complexity out of understanding your outages without the expense of a full blown outage management system.
Outage Performance
Data to Help Resolve Outages Faster
• Contextually displays outage and restoration event information on a graphical map.
• Calculates outage performance metrics and statistics at the customer and system level.
• Embeds automation in the outage event handling process, streamlining the utility’s resolution process and enhancing customer service through proactive communications.
Transformer Analysis #13
The SmartWorks Transformer Loading Analysis solution uses analytics to ensure that distribution transformers are operating within their optimal operating band.
Transformer Analysis
Improve system reliability and reduce costs by identifying problematic transformers.
• Displays detailed analytical information about the utility’s distribution network using intuitive visualization.
• Analyzes transformer load and its contributors to identify system reliability risks and provides the details necessary to effectively plan for the mitigation of risk.
• Assists in prioritizing the repair or replacement of distribution assets.
• Calculates optimal equipment sizing for the benefit of reducing physical loss, downtime and restoration costs.
Line Loss Analysis #14
The SmartWorks Line Loss Analysis solution allows you to track and monitor where losses are occurring throughout your network and how they’re varying over time.
Line Loss Analysis
Identify, quantify and visualize energy losses to improve efficiency and reduce costs.
• Provides powerful data validation in an easily configured solution.
• Ensures quality and completeness of meter read data.
• Delivers accurate and timely billing determinants with the ability to consider complex rate structures.
Voltage Analysis #15
The SmartWorks Voltage Analysis solution allows the utility to monitor voltage levels throughout the distribution network to identify and flag voltage issues for action before they result in customer complaints.
Voltage Analysis
Track voltage performance across the network. Identify voltage issues at individual locations before they affect your customers.
• Optimize voltage levels to minimize voltage while keeping all endpoints within standard tolerance.
• Address voltages issues before they impact customers.
Blink Analysis #16
The SmartWorks Blink Analysis solution includes dashboard views, maps, tabular and graphical views of blinks data to monitor and identify the location of intermittent faults to optimize device maintenance activities and improve reliable delivery of service to customers.
Blink Analysis
Understand which parts of the distribution network are experiencing blinks and which customers are affected.
• Quickly identify location of intermittent faults
• Better planning of maintenance of reclosing devices
Water Loss Analysis #17
The SmartWorks Water Loss Analysis solution calculates loss on a continual basis at the most granular level possible with your existing instrumentation. Increases in loss are quantified immediately, and you get a better indication of where the loss is occurring.
Water Loss Analysis
A new approach that reports near real-time loss information at the fingertips of those responsible for mitigating loss, and puts the results in front of those accountable.
• Configurable data views to gain insights into near real-time loss information.
• Drill down for deeper analysis to view the impact of loss reduction efforts.
• Share loss performance report with your team to allow key stakeholders to respond quickly.
Water Meter Health #18
The SmartWorks Water Meter Health solution intelligently filters out locations with known reasons for usage drops or degradation to identify meter failure, independent of meter age.
Water Meter Health
Reduces non-revenue water and improves financial performance.
• Analyzes the utility’s existing meter data to detect stopped or slowing meters and underlying meter degradation issues.
• Provides the data required for the utility to plan targeted meter replacements or repairs.
• Quantifies the financial benefit of performing meter replacement and repair and effectively presents this information to the utility using executive dashboards.
Water Conservation Manager #19
The SmartWorks Water Conservation Manager accurately quantifies the conservation achieved by each program offered to determine which programs provide the greatest return on investment.
Water Conservation Manager
Make informed decisions on how best to allocate limited budgets and resources.
• Tracks all conservation related data in a single system of record.
• Quantifies the effectiveness of each conservation program using dashboards, reports, and analysis tools.
• Delivers customized alerts and scorecards to encourage customer participation in utility programs.
• Empowers the utility to make informed decisions on how best to allocate their limited conservation budgets and resources.
• Permits the utility and its customers to make the best decisions on the management of their water resources.
Leak Detect & Notification #20
The SmartWorks Leak Detection & Notification solution analyses consumption data to identify leak events and automate their handling.
Leak Detect & Notification
Identify leaks to reduce costs and sustainably manage water resources.
• Uses business intelligence to examine consumption data while considering logic that accounts for customer usage patterns and exceptions to identify legitimate meter leak events.
• Offers automation capabilities that streamline the leak detection and customer notification process.
• Assists in reducing costly water damage while contributing to the conservation of water resources.
Acoustic Leak Integration #21
The SmartWorks Acoustic Leak Integration solution enables water utilities to import, interpret and display FCS Permalog Leak Detection data to efficiently identify and respond to leak events.
Acoustic Leak Integration
Reduce losses and decrease field costs by identifying leaks to respond faster.
• Allows the utility to visualize leak events, configure real time event notifications and automate associated utility actions.
• Identifies leak event patterns and correlates patterns with operational parameters, such as line pressure.
• Assists in efficiently identifying and reducing non-revenue water and the associated financial impact to the utility and customer alike.
Natural Language Intelligence
Natural Language Intelligence
Natural Language Intelligence

Instant Insight

Using artificial intelligence as part of a coordinated strategy to extract actionable insights from data analysis, and improve access to valuable data intelligence.

Introducing Instant Insight

Introducing Instant Insight, a patented solution built with AI that redefines how utility professionals access and interpret data, ushering in a new era of efficiency.

Instant Insight allows users to ask questions about their data in plain language, then delivers swift, actionable insights in response for informed decision-making and enhanced customer service.

SmartWorks Athena
AI system to enable rapid interrogation and delivery of results.
Voice Interface
Ask questions in simple English through a voice or chat interface.
Actionable Insights
Quickly access intelligence to make informed decisions.
Artificial Intelligence

Employing artificial intelligence empowers more of your personnel to derive actionable insights through data interpretation and analysis.

Unlock swift, actionable insights for informed decisions, streamlined processes, and elevated customer service with our patented AI-enabled Data Warehouse.

Introducing Instant Insight
Utmost Security
The entire solution is fundamentally designed to prioritize security and privacy. Your data never leaves your environment.
User-Friendly Interaction
Effortlessly interact with your data, extracting valuable information through natural language input.
Prompt Decision-Making
Receive instant responses to complex questions, facilitating swift decision-making processes for utility executives.
Enhanced Customer Service
Customer Service Representatives can gain deeper insights into individual customer usage, addressing concerns with precision.
Efficient Report Generation
Analysts can produce detailed analyses, leveraging Instant Insight to formulate complex database queries in seconds.
Continuous Learning
Instant Insight evolves over time, learning from user input to improve capabilities and adapting to evolving utility needs.
Instant Insight
Built on a secure data warehouse dedicated to the utility, Instant Insight pre-aggregates and stages data for fast analytics and easy reporting. Connect directly to the Instant Insight data warehouse with any business intelligence tool.
Unlike traditional off-the-shelf solutions, you are not responsible for defining all your terms, listing alternative names and describing the relationships between assets and elements in your network. Behind Instant Insight is SmartWorks Athena, with a machine learning model that continually learns from users’ input, improving language understanding and relevance of responses.
As utilities navigate the complexities of data analytics, Instant Insight emerges as a beacon of efficiency, streamlining processes and fostering a new era of data-driven decision-making. Whether you’re a utility executive making pivotal decisions, a CSR addressing customer concerns, or an analyst crafting detailed reports, Instant Insight stands ready to revolutionize your approach to data analytics.
Click the link below to watch the video and witness firsthand how Instant Insight can empower you to make smarter decisions and drive efficiency in your utility operations.
SmartWorks Connect Overview
Customer Engagement
The SmartWorks customer portal solutions deliver an exceptional utility customer experience.
Streamline the customer experience and commit to putting customers first with the SmartWorks customer portal solutions designed for utility providers.
Available 24/7/365, our portal software solution is customizable, easy-to-integrate and high-value, enabling customers to interact with their municipal utility bill when it’s convenient for them. Discover how we increase customer engagement with a range of self-serve features, and help utilities optimize processes and deliver ROI.
Residential Customer Portal

A comprehensive web platform - specially designed for utility providers who want to offer convenient services such as ebilling, usage / consumption tracking, and increase customer engagement.

Billing &

Paperless billing (ebilling) saves time, reduces printing and mailing costs, and delivers faster payments.

Customer Usage & Analytics

With consumption readings from traditional and smart meters, customers gain easy access to detailed data, patterns and insight.

Conservation & Demand

The long-term plans of any utility provider must include objectives for managing conservation and demand.

Notifications & Alerts

By keeping customers up-to-date on pertinent information, overall customer satisfaction increases.

Commercial & Industrial Portal

The SmartWorks BizConnect solution enhances the relationship between utilities and their commercial and industrial (C&I) customers.

Analytics & Reporting

Offers a configurable suite of reports for C&I users to gain visibility into their usage and cost, coupled with measurement and verification to quantify the results of their conservation measures.

Dashboard Views

Presents deduct and net metering views, as well as coincident peak analysis.

Measuring ROI & Impact

Empowers the C&I customer base to understand the impact of participating in utility programs and dynamic rate structures, while working toward their own objectives of containing risk and minimizing impact on the environment.

Usage & Notifications

Encourages behavioral savings in response to user configured threshold consumption notifications.

Maximize Your ROI
Maximize Your ROI With SmartWorks Today
More than 300 utilities throughout North America and the Caribbean have implemented SmartWorks projects, maximizing their smart infrastructure return on investment.
With advanced analytics, powerful visualizations, and holistic automation tools designed to enhance every aspect of your utility, along with the support of our professional services team, getting started with SmartWorks Compass has never been easier.